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Bennett Gold LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants

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Source: CyberAtlas

Posted on May 28, 2002

      A recent survey of devout Web surfers shows that people's online expectations have skyrocketed over the last few years and they're quick to reject any Web site that doesn't keep up.

      "Expectations are equally high regardless of whether people are online for work reasons or for personal reasons," says Michael Reene, chairman and CEO of Atlanta-based Enterpulse Corp., the consulting firm that ran the survey. "If a Web site doesn't meet their expectations, two-thirds say they don't return -- now or ever. They'll visit you and leave and you'll never know.

      "We call it the Internet death penalty," adds Reene, who says they surveyed 300 people who use the Internet at least once a day. "You don't know how many people terminate their business with you because your Web site isn't good enough. We found intolerant demand."

      There are four keys to what makes up a great Web site, according to Reene. The survey found that 96 percent said the site has to be continually updated; 96 percent said it has to be easy to navigate; 93 percent said the Web site must have in-depth information on its subject, and 89 percent said they demand a quick load and response time.

      And most Web sites -- other than the high-volume, high-visibility sites like Amazon, Yahoo, eBay, Yahoo and Google -- are not meeting expectations, says Andrew Bartels, research leader for e-business applications at Giga Information Group.

      "It's fair to say that the benchmarks have risen," says Bartels, who adds that the high-visibility sites that are at the top of their game account for only 1 percent to 2 percent of the Web sites out there. "The quality today is better than it was two or three years ago but expectations have gone up at the same time. People simply expect more." And the industries that are, in general, giving them more are the ones that have had the most competition from the dot-coms, according to both Reene.

      "Amazon.com caused Barnes & Noble to have a great site," says Reene, adding that education, government and utilities seem to be the industry laggards in terms of their online presence. "Priceline caused Delta to have a wonderful Web presence. Where the industry was threatened by the dot-com intrusion, those businesses have responded remarkably."

      Bad Web Site Can Damage Company Image Being a laggard in the Internet age can be a formidable business hazard, says Lisa Melsted, an analyst of Internet business strategies at the Yankee Group.

      Melsted says the health care industry is emerging as a Web presence while finance, retail and news publications pick up speed. But those that are dragging behind are putting their companies at risk. A bad Web site could damage public perception and branding.

      "It's a learning process with very little time to learn," says Melsted. "Companies that may just be getting up to speed or that haven't invested as much in their site are at risk. Once someone has been online for a while and they get accustomed to a certain standard, anything less is a turn off."

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