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Chilly eCommerce in Canada
US mCommerce Plays Catch-Up
Search Engines Better than Banner Ads

Source: E-CommerceALERT.com

Posted on August 18, 2000

Chilly eCommerce in Canada

Statistics Canada, the country's national statistical agency, recently completed the first national survey of e-commerce in Canada. In general, Canada was quick to adopt the internet and bring it into many aspects of society. This survey, which covers only 1999, shows that e-commerce appears to be lagging many other aspects of internet development.

      One out of ten Canadian businesses sold products online in 1999 accounting for 0.2% of their total economic activity. Total private sector e-commerce activity reached $2.9 billion. Combined $169 million in public sector online sales brings total e-commerce to just over $3 billion. Half of Canadian have access to the internet and one-fifth have web sites. However, the share of businesses buying online is small, and those who have made the transition to selling is even smaller.

      The two areas of Canadian business leading move to e-commerce are manufacturing and retail sales. According to the study, Manufacturing posted $622 million in online sales. Retailed pulled in $422 million. Note that, Statistics Canada counts sales as being online if it was paid either online or offline.

      The percentage that online manufacturing and retail sales captures of total industry revenues is indicative of the distance Canadian e-commerce still has to go. Only 0.2% of total manufacturing sales and 0.3% of total retail was conducted online. Accommodations and food services, taken together, was the sector with largest online share: 1.3%. It was followed by information and cultural industries (1.0%) and professional, scientific and technical services 0.8%.

US mCommerce Plays Catch-Up

A just-released Datamonitor report notes that while the United States mobile commerce market currently trails its European counterpart, America is catching up quickly. It predicts that the US m-commerce market will grow 1,000% in the next five years, from $90 million in 2000 to $1.2 billion in 2005.

Search Engines Better than Banner Ads

According to a Showtime Networks study on connected households, simultaneous use of the internet-connected computer and the television in the same room rose 39% since January 1999. The study also noted that 48% of all teens are more likely to watch TV while online, as opposed to 30% of adults aged 18-49 and only 15% of adults over 50. Also, co-usage most frequently occurred during these program types: news (31%), sitcoms (30%) and sports (30%).

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